Dear Space

To space and never return!

Ananna Dristy
Mini Mailer


Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Imagine touching the rings of Saturn, climbing icy mountains on Pluto, witnessing neutron stars colliding from close, falling into a black hole, experiencing extreme space-time distortion, etc. How amazing you can be, space! It is so crazy out there! I just can’t wait to divulge myself into you for eternity. Eternity will seem less for me to absorb all the fantastic kinds of stuff you have within you. I want to relive on you again and again.

From my childhood, I love to look up in the sky. I do that till now. You never fail to amaze me, space. I can watch the same you every day. You may be the same for everyone else out there, but for me, every day’s you are different. Every day it reminds me of something. Sometimes, looking at you makes me happy, sometimes it makes me miss some people, sometimes it makes me sad, realising some mistakes, but I love you before anyone else. It makes me calm, makes me happy in a way no one else can.

You are better in some ways when it comes to sharing my thoughts. It’s like the whole damn space listens to me anywhere, anytime. The realization of the vastness and the beauty of you dawn whenever I look up. Further, you provide me some peace, cut off from the earthly world at that moment. I lost myself in my own wonderland-just me and my thoughts.

Image by WikiImages from Pixabay

You are a constant source of wonder. Who are you? Why are you here? Why are we here? Who are we? Maybe we are just a cosmic blip in this infinite universe. In its constant state of flux, always watching over us, perhaps you only know the answers to the mysteries of the universe. I want to know everything from you, Space.

I really want to escape from the world ties and wander around space. So many kinds of stuff you carry with you — stars, planets, meteors, nebula, black holes, comets, satellites, demi planet, asteroids, galaxies, milky way, sun, and what not! I want to explore every one of them, enjoy every bit of my stay!

I know, we have a day called Space Day. But we should celebrate space day every day when lights are shut off for an hour to reduce light pollution so we can see the galaxy even from the city. That’s what you deserve, and we deserve from you!

Love you to the space and never back 😉

Your cosmic child,



Ananna Dristy
Mini Mailer

I don't pretend to be someone I am not because I am good at being me.